Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Starting a Home Solar Installation Project

Day one of my project started on my last birthday when I went online and purchased a 15 watt solar panel along with a charge controller and DC to AC inverter. I had been reading about home solar power applications for the last year with varying periods of manic optimisim and depressed discouragement. On the positive side, much of the technology (panels, inverters, regulators, etc...) are readily available online and can even be searched and ordered through Amazon.com. Unfortunately, many of the books and websites I found referred to home applications that were too complex and financially out of reach.

The reality is that a full system can cost between $40k and $60k to implement. Tax insentives can bring the cost down between $10k to $20k so that you may be able to implement a solar energy application for about $30k.

1 comment:

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